This semester was a tough one for me and it was hard to find time to get into the studio. I really enjoyed drawing two and I feel like I have improved in both drawing and ceramics which was my other studio class. This semester I was trying to focus on learning how to use the wheel in ceramics and I wanted learn how to draw people.
Drawing people was a lot harder them I ever imaged it would be. I knew how to draw eye, nose mouth and ears but my problem was making the person look like themselves. We used a lot of different drawing materials and I found that the pen and ink was my favorite to use. Instead of doing cross hatching I use all dots to draw a horse and deer skull which made me be able to show the cantors of the skull. Since the skulls were porous it made them looks more lifelike and neater then having lines. Also since the ink had tendency to drip all over the paper doing the picture of all dots made it easers to cover up the mistakes.
In ceramics this semester I wanted to learn how to throw but since I was practicing throwing so much it was hard to find my main focus for the class. It took me awhile to really get the hang of throwing but once I got it I got interesting in making what I throw abstract. I like to call them melting pots and I like the idea of them flowing into one another. Since I have a hard time with making my foot and rim smooth I like to mold them and play with the idea of keeping the edges imperfect.
The picture I am posting is one of my finished melting pots. This was one of my first things glazed this year in ceramics and I like it because it is simple but at the same time complex because it looks like some of the pots are floating. Next semester I want to learn how to trim the things that I throw.
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