While I am primarily a painter, I feel that I had definitely progressed greatly in ceramics. Working with clay has been an uncharted territory for me for a long time. While I had taken introductory ceramics in the previous spring semester, I found working with clay difficult as I felt that it was near impossible to create something that I was satisfied with. When it comes to ceramics I appreciate a very utilitarian style and anything and everything that I created looked less than useful. But this semester my opinion of clay was changed when I began taking Ceramics 2 and was introduced to the throwing wheel. It was definitely challenging at first but after logging away many hours in the lab I soon found that I began to finally produce the utilitarian items that I had always wanted to learn to make.
In my pottery, I drew a lot of inspiration from American folk art such as old crocks and bowls. I enjoy the clean lines and rounded forms and I tried to emulate that. I also looked at the work of Jonathan Woodward, a local potter from my home town who runs an extremely successful business Clinton Pottery. His classic forms and brightly colored glazes are very pleasing to the eye. My basic concept was to create functional items and I feel that I did create some satisfactory work this semester.
The best learning moments for me this semester was the times when I could come into the ceramics lab during non class hours and receiving help from Jeremiah or any of the extremely helpful and knowledgeable teacher's assistants. I felt that I really benefited from the one-on-one time and really enjoyed learning their techniques.
This semester I went to the " Fax" show and the Steven Barbash Collection. I found both to be very interesting. I thought the Steven Barbash collection really emphasized the importance of relationships with your fellow artists.
I'm continuously inspired by impressionistic artists such as John Singer Sargent, Manet and recently I've been drawn to Mary Cassatt. I have a love of the human figure and I love the way that these artists portray their subjects.
My classmates have definitely helped me through critique. I really enjoy hearing their feedback and what their thought process is and any advice that they have to offer. Sometimes your own judgment can become clouded, its always beneficial to have fresh opinions. I haven't had a critique moment that has stood out, but they have definitely all been helpful.
I wouldn't say my perspectives have changed exactly. I think I have a better appreciation for the time that goes into creating satisfactory work. And I definitely have a better appreciation of clay and the careful delicate touche that is required for elegant works. My goals for the next semester are definitely to develop better time management skills and try to produce a more steady output of pieces.
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