Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
assignment 2
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Assignment 2
AEA facebook group
find the art exhibition association (AEA) group
join it
It will keep you updated on upcoming events.
work together/have fun, get a good grade.
Assignment #2
Assignment #2

Monday, September 13, 2010
Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Re-education is to educate again or anew, especially so as to rehabilitate or adapt to new situations. Training is needed to develop new behaviors such as attitudes or habits to replace others that are considered undesirable. There are many different ways to go about re-educating through different techniques and exercises.
Assignment 2
Assignment Two
Assignment 1
This is an image from Wrapped Trees by Christo and Jeanne-Claude in Riehen, Switzerland. It remained in the park for 14 days, where then it was taken down and all materials were recycled. It truly plays with the natural elements and transforms with factors such as wind and sunlight. For more... http://www.christojeanneclaude.net/wt.shtml
"Swimming Pool" by Leandro Erlich is now part of the permanent collection at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa in Japan. It is a swimming pool with a thin layer of glass on top. The viewers are welcome to experience the piece from inside without getting wet, or from above. Here is a link to more images of it... http://www.leandroerlich.com.ar/works.php?id=27
assignment 1
Assignment 1

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Assignment 1
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Assignment One
1st assignment
Each of you, please post 2 images of environmental art on this blog. 1 water themed, and 1 land based.
We will discuss the merits of each.
this is due by Monday the 13th!
Here are the basics of the trip:
8:00 Am Sept 17th- depart from old main dragons den cafe for Raquette lake
lunch on road, bring cash
1:00 Pm arrive at boat launch and transfer luggage to boats for last leg across lake.
2:00-till dinner, settle in and walk trail line to scout possible materials and work sites for saturday
Post dinner, official orientation meeting with Raquette lake staff
department meeting ,with discussion of environmental art, icebreaker, etc,etc
Saturday, 18th, construct an art flotilla that is so super awesome you become legendary.
Bag lunch.
Post lunch critique of works produced, and then you have...
free time! to canoe, kayak, hike, swim, goof off etc
Sunday, 19th possible climbing wall ? and free time till 12:00
1:00, get on the boat to go home
4:00 ish arrive back at Cortland
What to bring if you can:
outdoor shoes/boots
sleeping bag(there are army blankets there)
pillow case
sensible clothes for hanging out in a forest
Don't worry, we will be sleeping in bunk houses not in tents.
there are showers
there is plenty of food provided
more later, professor Randall
Syllabus for ATT115/415
ATT 115 - Field Study at Raquette Lake
SUNY Cortland, Department of Art and Art History

Catalog Description
Contact hours and assignments
- Participate in Raquette Lake retreat ( dates: Sept 17-19 2010 )
- Participate in AEA – art club meetings and events
- Attend Gallery openings and exhibitions
- Meet with class group through semester.
- Turn in Journal writing that explores the following questions: Why make art? What use is the art practice and art product to you personally? What use is the art practice and art product to the various societal groups that you are a part of? What use is art to world culture? How can art re-educate?