Tuesday, September 21, 2010


To reeducate means to train again, or rehabilitate through education. This concept can be both good or bad depending on the source. In a positive light, re-education can help individuals who have been taught the incorrect way to do something, reteach someone how to write, update people on new technology or new ways of thinking. On the contrary, reeducation in the hands of the wrong people could be used to corrupt others, transforming their though process in attempts to create a more or less programed individual.

Monday, September 20, 2010

assignment 2

I believe re-education is the process of re-learning something that you already know, but through a new perspective. Looking at something from many views is a good strategy to utilize when trying to understand something. I believe it is a form of rehabilitation in the human brain, and it helps to better adapt to new situations.

assignment 1

I couldn't decide which ones to post, so I posed them all.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Re-education: (for me) carries the connotation of concealed and tactful indoctrination, similar to reinforcing somehing that is already learned-however in a different manner- propaganda is a good example of re-education- It takes something that the general public already accepts and shoves it down their throat and eventually manipulates it to suit an agenda- However, the problem with that is there is that agenda- someone is telling another party " we know what is best for you." Again, for me, this word carries heavy inimical undertones and I would advise steering away from it- for you , yourself, may one day be re-educated.

Assignment 2

To reeducate means to learn something for a second time. It could be as simple as breaking down something that you do naturally without much thought and attempting to understand it more fully. It could also be learning something in an alternative way or refreshing your mind on something you may have forgotten.


I feel like when someone says they want to "re-educate" someone about something they want to really drill a fact into your head. It shows that what ever they are trying to teach you must be really important if they see it suitable to re-visit the topic.

AEA facebook group

go to facebook.
find the art exhibition association (AEA) group
join it
It will keep you updated on upcoming events.
work together/have fun, get a good grade.

Assignment #2

To me, re-education is about teaching something new to replace the old. My professors often complain that high school taught us the wrong information and so, it is their "duty" to re-educate us. We are replacing the "wrong" or out-dated version of our knowledge with what the professors consider to be the correct version. I admit that learning the new info often kicks the old info out. Our education has been enhanced and re-admitted to us.
Theo Jansen, look up strandbeest...


I have not read anyone else's definition of this word because I don't want to be influenced by what other people think. But I am sure that my definition of it will be similar to what most people have typed because I think it is a very basic term. My understanding of it is pretty straightforward, simply to re-educate someone. By that I mean to teach someone what they already know but maybe have forgotten since. Maybe it is in a different context, maybe it is with a different method. But what it comes down to I believe it to be teaching again material that one has already taught.

Assignment #2

Re-education isn't so much about re-learning what you already know, but it's a way to update an individual with information that wasn't available or to correct misinformation that was originally taught. An example would be a New Media Design student using the Adobe Creative Suite. This student may begin their career with proficient skills for Adobe's CS4, but without re-educating themselves, their knowledge can significantly be outdated in a few years because of the ever-changing software. This is similar to how scientists must constantly change their theories with every new discovery or even how grandpa sends emails instead of letters today. No matter what field of study you are in, re-education is essential for an individual to stay current in the world.

To reeducate someone is to teach or train them again. the subject matter is broken down to its simplest components and re-taught to somebody. So... if person A does not understand the subject matter exactly the way society, culture or an individual would like them to, reeducation is thought to be the solution to persuade person A into understanding the way they see it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Assignment 2

To me RE-Education means to re -learn a topic. In re-education a person learns that topic diferently or better . becuase the world is constlently chaning we need to re-educate ourselves on various knowledges and ideas. Also, in order to stay non bias we must re-educate ourselves to learn all new and differnt ideas about the world, and in our case, art.

assignment 1: Water


Re-education to me is educating someone again in a field they may already be familiar with. This can go both ways, as to better educate someone, or to brainwash someone into thinking that other different ideas are right. Either way, once a person is provided with the new information, it is ultimately their decision what to do with it, based on their judgment and prior experiences with the subject matter.

Assignment 2

Re-education is educating again in order to enhance or change an attitude or opinion. This can be useful in discovering an aspect that may have been overlooked the first time or may have not even been considered. Re-educating is helpful in that it enables people to better understand a lesson.

assignment 1

by Heather Jansch.

Re-education is to educate again or anew, especially so as to rehabilitate or adapt to new situations. Training is needed to develop new behaviors such as attitudes or habits to replace others that are considered undesirable. There are many different ways to go about re-educating through different techniques and exercises.

Assignment 2

Re-education: A new way of teaching a certain topic or subject in order to portray a different outlook or aspect on the subject.

Assignment Two

Ok, now as soon as everyone checks in and turns in the two images, we can get to the next place in our learning adventure...
you will now write for me a paragraph which states your personal understanding of the word "Re-education"
I want one distinct definition, no ambiguous wish wash.Do it by tuesday afternoon(14th)

If you can meet during class time, then come tuesday at 440 pm in the sculpture room. old main G34A

Assignment 1

A potential utopia piece by Nils-Udo

Rowan leaves and hole by Andy Goldsworthy

Assignment #1

I love this one by Ken Woodhead (appropriate name). It's only made up of stacked firewood and though this sculptured path ends rather abruptly, I feel like it goes on and on into nothingness.
This piece haunts me but I think that's why it also fascinates me. By James deCairns Taylor.

Assignment 1

unknown.jpgThis is an image from Wrapped Trees by Christo and Jeanne-Claude in Riehen, Switzerland. It remained in the park for 14 days, where then it was taken down and all materials were recycled. It truly plays with the natural elements and transforms with factors such as wind and sunlight. For more... http://www.christojeanneclaude.net/wt.shtml


"Swimming Pool" by Leandro Erlich is now part of the permanent collection at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa in Japan. It is a swimming pool with a thin layer of glass on top. The viewers are welcome to experience the piece from inside without getting wet, or from above. Here is a link to more images of it... http://www.leandroerlich.com.ar/works.php?id=27

The Sod Project
Natasha Lukanovich

assignment 1

Kai Otton / Scuba Canoe
featuring the combined creative work of Steve Gorrow and photographer Dustin Humphrey

Assignment 1

Natural Cycles is an annual exhibition where a few artists are selected to create an installation with materials found in the park and these installations are allowed to stay up until they naturally fall apart. It's similar to what we do while at Raquette Lake and it was cool to see what others have done. This is where I found the image and this is a link to the website of the organization that sponsors the event.

"Robert Smithson's monumental earthwork Spiral Jetty (1970) is located on the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Using black basalt rocks and earth from the site, the artist created a coil 1,500 feet long and 15 feet wide that stretches out counter-clockwise into the translucent red water. Spiral Jetty was acquired by Dia Art Foundation as a gift from the Estate of the artist in 1999."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Assignment 1

Assignment 1

These sculptures are actually located pretty close to here, in Stone Quarry Art Park in Cazenovia.

As time passed, these sculptures were broken down by the sea. I like the idea that they will not last.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Assignment One

This is an underwater installation by Neno Belchev. The purpose of this installation was to invite swimmers to take a drink of "air" while underwater.

I found this sculpture by Jenni Tieaho, a environmental art sculptor. Made out of twigs. Thought it was pretty cool

1st assignment

And now off to work.
Each of you, please post 2 images of environmental art on this blog. 1 water themed, and 1 land based.
We will discuss the merits of each.
this is due by Monday the 13th!


Hello everyone, because of our diverse schedules, this will now be the platform for exchange of classroom information. Lets start with you reviewing the syllabus and reporting back to this blog so I can take a form of attendance. I will be posting important information over the next week to prepare you for the trip portion of the class.
Here are the basics of the trip:
8:00 Am Sept 17th- depart from old main dragons den cafe for Raquette lake
lunch on road, bring cash
1:00 Pm arrive at boat launch and transfer luggage to boats for last leg across lake.
2:00-till dinner, settle in and walk trail line to scout possible materials and work sites for saturday
Post dinner, official orientation meeting with Raquette lake staff
department meeting ,with discussion of environmental art, icebreaker, etc,etc
Saturday, 18th, construct an art flotilla that is so super awesome you become legendary.
Bag lunch.
Post lunch critique of works produced, and then you have...
free time! to canoe, kayak, hike, swim, goof off etc
Sunday, 19th possible climbing wall ? and free time till 12:00
1:00, get on the boat to go home
4:00 ish arrive back at Cortland

What to bring if you can:
outdoor shoes/boots
sleeping bag(there are army blankets there)
pillow case
sensible clothes for hanging out in a forest

Don't worry, we will be sleeping in bunk houses not in tents.
there are showers
there is plenty of food provided

more later, professor Randall

Syllabus for ATT115/415

ATT 115 -  Field Study at Raquette Lake

SUNY Cortland, Department of Art and Art History


Vaughn Randall
Old Main G34-A, 753-4317
email: Vaughn.randall@cortland.edu

Office hours: MW 8:00-10:00, TR 9:50-10:20, or by appointment
Catalog Description
(F) Introduction to interdisciplinary study in art studio and art history. Students are assessed a fee for room and board at Raquette Lake. Prerequisite: none. (1 cr. hr.) 

Contact hours and assignments

Contact hours and times Tuesdays at 4:40

  1. Participate in Raquette Lake retreat ( dates: Sept 17-19 2010 )
  2. Participate in AEA – art club meetings and events
  3. Attend Gallery openings and exhibitions
  4. Meet with class group through semester.
  5. Turn in Journal writing that explores the following questions:  Why make art? What use is the art practice and art product to you personally? What use is the art practice and art product to the various societal groups that you are a part of? What use is art to world culture? How can art re-educate?

Students with Disabilities

If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the office of Student Disability Services located in B-40 Van Hoesen Hall or call (607) 753-2066 for an appointment.  Information regarding your disability will be treated in a confidential manner.  Because many accommodations require early planning, requests fro accommodations should be made as early as possible.

Academic Honesty

It is assumed that you will submit only your own work that has been done expressly for this course, during the time parameters of this course.  Written work must contain your own ideas, expressed in your own words, any quotations and sources must be cited.

Evaluation and Grading

Work will be evaluated based on demonstration of growing awareness of Art purposes as evidenced by written work and discussion.